Wednesday 27 January 2016

School report: A lesson in self belief

Madam Nelly brings us the week's news from our school:
On Friday,our PPI day , pupils were gathered together in the banda to conduct the service. The teacher in charge was Mr. Isaac and the topic was about working hard in life.
Pupils enjoyed the talk because they know that hard work is the key to success.
We also had guidance and counselling and the teacher in charge was Mr. Mramba who spoke about the importance of believing in yourself.
Pupils were inspired by this confidence boosting lesson.
Standard seven and eight have been sitting the Jesma examination which is two days of tests which helps in their preparation for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education taken at the end of year 8..
Volunteer Eva is a great help in assisting in classes and joined Mr Omoi's  computer lesson with class eight who were being introduced to the internet.
We are very happy to have our nice school environment with wonderful its resources.
Thank you.