Sunday 4 October 2015

News from our family by Francis and Musyoka

A blog about the leaving of our friend 

It was on Tuesday evening when we all Happy House kids had to say goodbye to our loving friend Aunty Libby she had come to Kenya only for four weeks.
We all Happy House kids decided to make her a cake and also we gave her a trophy for her to remember us.
Itwas hard for us to let go just like that because she has just been like our mother and she has done a lot to make this family. 
She is also our Mama's best friend, she has been with her in happy days and in sad days. She as been the true friend, she has never done anything that will harm mama and she has been the kindest person I have seen in Kenya.
And we will miss her so much. We all hope that she will come back soon
Lots of love from Musyoka, 12.

The football matches 

It was on a cool Friday morning when the sun raised again in grace.
Everyone was overjoyed. We had all waited for the day to come. When it reached at 2.30pm, we all went at the Happy House where we learned before we moved to our new school
Without a wastage of time, the visiting school came inside the gate.
They were all welcomed and went straight to the stadium.
The match started and the girls played.
The number of the girls were 11.
The game continued and at last, the Happy House girls scored one goal.
The game ended and the boys got in to play.
The Happy House boys scored four goals.
The game was very interesting.
Thank you from Francis, 10.

A thought for today

If you are feeling generous this weekend £20 would pay for a desk for our  secondary school. £15 would buy a chair, £5 would help towards a text book. 
These items will help us to change the lives of young people for whom, without us, there would be no education at all. 
To donate please go to…/childrenofwat…/brightfuture 
The young people pictured will be among the first to go into our secondary school from primary school. They are young men who had been denied schooling because of poverty. Now they have a real possibility of achieving their career ambitions to be doctors, engineers, lawyers etc.