Sunday 23 August 2015

A happy week, by Victoria

 Victoria is one of the children who have remained at home at Happy House this week, while others have been visiting relatives. She tells us:
 I have taken his opportunity to write a blog about our holiday.
Last week on Friday and Saturday, most  of the  kids  went  for home visits. 
We remained ,56 kids.  On Sunday  we  went to  enjoy  ourselves at  Marina  restaurant  with mama and  Papa.
The little ones  have gone today, (Wednesday) to enjoy themselves.  
.We are  happy  because  Auntie Libby is  

coming on Friday.  We  shall  meet  her at   airport.  
This week we are having many activities
Like playing football, netball, rounders, Volleyball  and dancing. I like  playing netball  and dancing . 
On Monday, we  played netball teachers versus  pupils.  We scored  ten and teachers seven .We were the best by three scores.  
Today  we  went for nature walk at Watamu  beach.
Yesterday we helped Aunty Philis to clean the kitchen and with cooking.

Building a Bright Future Appeal

A secondary school is essential if bright young people like Victoria, so eager to learn, are to have the chance to finish their schooling.
We must have our secondary school finished, furnished, staffed and resourced by January, 2016, when the new school year begins.
To achieve this we need a total of £25,000. 
If you can help in anyway please donate via