Friday 3 July 2015

Apples all round

Apples are expensive in our part of Kenya and a huge treat for our children, who absolutely love them!
So when Agnes and Brian Crighton, who are members of Harry's sponsor family, wanted to celebrate his landmark fifth birthday by giving all the kids a little treat, Mama asked them what they would like and apples was their answer.
So at Kidz Club, there were apples all round - but with the added fun of an apple bobbing contest!
Uncle Ronald tells us:
"The kids were requested to come in two groups of six each, girls and boys separately. 
They stood in a line towards the basins and they were to compete picking 
the apples with their mouths, one each. The boys won most of the  competitions.

 Papa was the controller of the competition. It was so 
lovely and we all cheered as some kids failed picking the apples using their mouths because of the water in the basins.
Those who failed picking by themselves were later given their share too.

 We also had juice."
Thank you Agnes and Brian from Harry and all his brothers and sisters
Penina's birthday was also celebrated and new arrival, volunteer Grace Dunbar
given the opportunity to present her with her birthday gift.