Monday 2 February 2015

Roofers romp towards finish

 Workmen have been getting on with our primary school roof just as quickly as you have been donating.
And every day of the 12 days from the launch of our Raise the Roof Appeal to reaching the target of £4,000 has taken us  a step nearer completion.
Thanks to you this is how the front of the school is looking. There's still more work to do but it should all be finished very soon.
Thank you to the individuals and organisations who donated to the tune of £4050.40.. This roof is the result. 

Birthday greetings kids

There were birthday greeting for three children last week - Happy  eight, Rose Safari, five, and Levian, six.
Levian's Italian guardian, Susanna Gregorio, who supports his care at the Happy House brought a birthday cake for Levian to share with all his Happy House brothers and sisters,
And star of the week was Mwende for putting more effort into doing corrections to her school work, specially in maths!
Happy birthday kids and well done Mwende.